Saturday, 16 May 2015

♥ Sweet Dreams ♥

Last post of the night before I drift off into dream land myself and try to get a good nights sleep..  that way I can be fresh for packing tomorrow. 

These vintage jammies are just adorable! They are a fabulous collaboration from Bad Seed Boutique and Turducken and are available right now at La Boutique. They come in lots of different colours.. I'm showing off the purple ones (I know, shock horror I didn't pick pink for once!) The other colours you can get are: Blue, Cream, Mint, Peach and Pink. These pjs fit both baby and kid ToddleeDoo's too, yay! The mesh is unique and I love the ruffle effect, it's just a gorgeous design and the texture work is superb! They make an amazing team and I can't wait to see what else they come up with. 

I am really proud of this picture too!☻

Don't forget this round of Hello Beautiful is still going on, so if you've not been over there yet be sure to check it out.. there's lots of amazing items from great designers! There are even gatchas there for you gatcha addicts. The earrings I'm wearing from Buglets are from a gatcha, loads of different colours to collect.

Please click the image to view a larger version. Happy shopping everyone! ♥

  Outfit: Vintage Jammies/Purple from Bad Seed & Turducken 
(La Boutique - May 2015)
Slippers: Animal Slippers (Unicorn) RARE from *BOOM*
Hair: Poseidon's Gal (Glamorous Blondes Pack) from Clawtooth
Earrings: Bella Earring [Silver-Tourmalline] from Buglets 
(Hello Beautiful - May 2015)
Skin: No longer available - was from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelids: Mesh Lids and Lashes from Slink
Nails: Rainbow Glitter Stripe Nails from Awwdorable 

Special thanks to Bad Seed Boutique, Turducken



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