Wednesday, 29 October 2014

♥ Egyptian Mummy ♥

It's almost Halloween.. which means we all need to break out our scary costumes and all things creepy. 

In spirit of Halloween being almost on us I'm dressed up as an egyptian mummy today, an awesome costume from Tic Tot Toe. Not only does it look awesome.. it comes with it's own animation overrider too! Which means you can stumble around like an egyptian mummy for real! It's got lots of attachment pieces (flexi bandages) which didn't really take much editing or fiddling around and if you really hate to edit pieces then the outfit would still rock without them. The skirt is optional and resizable, as are the sneakers.. and it comes with an epic sunken eye tattoo layer. I'd happily say that this will easily fit baby and kid ToddleeDoo avatars.. and is totally unisex too.. all you boys have to do is not wear the skirt and hair bow. I wanted to be a bit girly with it though, hence the skirt and bow for me. Oddly I think I make a pretty cute egyptian mummy.. that's a weird sentence. Anyway, yeah, run over and grab your mummy costume from Tic Tot Toe!

I'm sporting rigged mesh hair especially for ToddleeDoo avatars from Cute Bytes. It's not a new style, but it's new to my inventory and it worked wonders with this costume. The hair range from Cute Bytes not only fits us amazingly (what with it being specially made for us) but it's reasonably priced too. If you're looking for a hair that won't break your piggy bank go upstairs at Cute Bytes. Oooh and while you're there go do the Halloween Heist if you've not done so already.. lots of awesome goodies to be snatched up at the end.

Outfit: Mummy Costume from Tic Tot Toe
Hair: DadeeDoo Hairs - Blondes from Cute Bytes
Skin: Baby Mikki from Bad Seed Boutique
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: French Manicure - 1 - ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Pose: Kawaii - Kawaii 5 (m) from .click.

Special thanks to Tic Tot Toe and Cute Bytes


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