Friday 15 March 2013

♥ Adoption complete and plushies galore! ♥

Okay, since it has been pointed out to me that English isn't everyone's first language (I should have known that.. -smacks head-) I will refrain from using "kid speak" in any of my future posts (starting with this one) so that translation is easier for anyone else around the globe who wishes to read what I write!

Well, firstly. I have some awesome news. I have been adopted! Yay! My trial period ended and my mummy and I definitely seem very happy with each other. This is us below in our new matching mother and daughter outfits.. so cute. We're also taking full advantage of the cute pose my mummy got me from the ToddleeDoo fair. It's adorable. 

"Come back balloons!"
These were taken at the Family Community Role-play Sim we live on. I couldn't pick just one picture.. so I took a couple.

"Almost got you!"
Isn't my mummy so pretty?! The tattoos she has her boyfriend Danny made.. he's nice and talented. We tried to get him to have a matching orange t-shirt, but he suddenly decided he had to log off.. -Giggles-

"Bye balloons.. nice knowing you!"
I'm so happy that my mummy wanted me. We have so much fun together and I hope she'll let me feature pictures of us together more on my blog because I think we look awesome together. Love you mummy! ♥ Mwah!

I also finally got around to showing off my plushies from the Gacha Event at The Arcade. Thank you so much again Uncle Nyo, you really made my day when I got online and found you'd sent me all the plushies while I was offline in a really amazing panda box. At first I was really happy with the box, I had no idea there was plushies inside it.. but when I inspected it closer, I almost passed out.. there were all the plushies inside! I had the biggest smile on my face! So, again, I have trouble choosing pictures.. so I took a few of my collection.

Obviously the panda is my fav.. and I do have multiples of it.. but I could hardly just show you my panda army..
My mummy said I could keep a few of the plushies out.. but I decided I'd just keep the panda out for now, since I'm eating up pretty much most of the prims with all my stuff as it is. Thank you mummy for letting me have so much stuff out and being awesome about it. You rock! ♥

Life is just a circus
I've had a pretty stressful few days in real life, so it was nice to just chill out with my plushies. It was funny that I was setting this up when my mummy was offline and she came back on just as I was finishing off.. she goes, "Where's Kaci?!" as she couldn't find me behind all my plushies. She was looking everywhere in my room for me before she found me. I was just giggling in the corner.

Plushies.. attack!

                                            ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Outfits featured: 
Julie Girl's Toddleedoo Frilly Floral Dress Complete Outfit 
Julie Rigged Mesh Ladies Floral Cocktail / Summer Dress (Mummy's own shoes)
Both from *Baby Pie* 
Hair on me: Flora [Brown Diamond] from D!va (Collabor88)
Pose from first set of pictures:  Petite Bowtique at ToddleeDoo Fair
Plushies: Gacha Event at The Arcade (Hurry, it's only open until the end of the month)   
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 


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