Friday 15 March 2013

♥ Nerdalicious ♥

After exploring Magicland all last night with my mummy (and we still didn't see it all!) I decided today was a day to just chill out and be nerdy. So, I did just that. This adorable outfit comes complete with a diary to hold, glasses and a pencil for your mouth. Too cool for school.. despite being so nerdy xD

News Flash: Nerds are totally in!
In other news me has to see the doctor.. so I had to ask my mummy all about what would happen on my visit. My mummy told me all about what lungs do too and how the nose and mouth works.. so I asked her if when grownups put their mouths together were they helping each other breathe? I don't think she knew the answer because she told me to ask the doctor when we go. Then she told me all the things that would happen when we go which made me feel a bit better! I asked if mummy's boyfriend would go with us too.. and she said he will if he can. We also need to drag him around Magicland with us sometime to finish off exploring.

It's hard work being this nerdalicious
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Outfit: Prep School Unisex from *Little Bits* inc
Hair on me: Flora [Brown Diamond] from D!va (Collabor88)
Panda Chair from Tiny Spaces (which is no longer open)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



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