Saturday 16 March 2013

♥ Rainy Days ♥

With my mummy off in real life land today.. I decided to make the most of a bad situation and the equally bad weather we were having outside! So, I ran outside of our house in the cute rain gear I got and tried my hardest to not get too wet.

When mummy isn't here.. it rains
Maybe the rain is tears of a giant
I think the sun went that way..
 Outfit: Chevron Multi Raincoat and Pink Wellies - .Click. Poses (Gacha Event at Children's Village)
Hair: Tomoko2 [Brown Diamond] - D!va 
Hands: ToddleeDoo V.2.2 Handposes - Cutebytes
Pose #1 - Umbrella 1 - .Click. Poses (Gacha Event at Children's Village)
Pose #2 - Umbrella 5 -.Click. Poses (Gacha Event at Children's Village)
Pose #3 - Umbrella 7 - .Click. Poses (Gacha Event at Children's Village)


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