Wednesday 20 March 2013

♥ Hopping Mad ♥

Well, I went to see the doctor for my checkup and all was well. But since my trip to the doctors, I've gotten sick.. so hopefully I'll be feeling better soon.

Before I started to feel ill though I had a blast jumping around on my new panda hopper that my Uncle Nyo got me! It's so awesome. I jumped all around my room on it.. good thing my room is huge or I'd of had to go outside. 

The panda hopper comes with two different types (luckily you get both), one for toddleedoo and one for regular kids. I'm using the toddleedoo one. It took a little positioning, but not much. You can't really see my hands in these pics, but I am actually holding it.. not that you can tell.

The outfit is from Baby Pie (yes, I blog Baby Pie a lot.. but for a good reason, I love her stuff!) This outfit can be worn a few different ways, but I'm wearing it in the one I think looks the cutest.. but there are optional ways to wear it. It came with sunglasses, which were cute.. but unfortunately they messed with my eyelashes too much and I'm a sucker for my lashes.. without them I just look weird!

Bouncing around my room
Can't stop me.. wee!
Outfit: Suri ToddleeDoo Mix & Match Set from Baby Pie
Hair: Tomoko2 (Type A) [Brown Diamond] from D!va
Sassafras Kids Mesh Panda Hoopyloop from Sassafras Kids and Family furniture


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