Friday 22 March 2013

♥ Gotta get up and try.. and try.. and try.. ♥

Well, my illness cleared up on its own.. which was lucky and saved my mummy a trip to the doctors with me. But I learned a lot from being sick.. like green boogers streaming down my face is a way for my body to get better. I told my mummy that the body is gross. We think I had a really bad ear infection.. but we're not sure.

RL has been very stressful at the moment, lots of changes and things happening that are now out of my control. Lots to think about and so much stuff going on that seems very overwhelming.. luckily mines mummy, daddy (since yeah me allowed to call him that now) and Unkie Nyo have been amazing in world and even on Skype talking to me and being understanding.. and they now know that when I'm off with them it's not them it's because that things have been really bad. 

Looks like I will be moving at some point too, so that's stressful for most people.. but especially hard for me with all the new things that have been thrown at me the last few days and having to do it alone. Hopefully I'll be still able to post here.. if I can still afford the internet. -Laughs weakly-

I'd like to be able to say more stuff that had happened in world, but I've been a little pre-occupied with real life badness. Although I did get my daddy to read a couple of books to me on voice yesterday, which was great.. always helps me feel better!

I managed to snap up a new outfit of course.. and my mummy got the grownup one to match! Both outfits are from Baby Pie, yes it's totally my fav place to shop and you're probably getting bored of hearing me rave about it.. but I promise the next one will be something different. This outfit, however, has another option of wearing a tutu and tights.. but I prefer this look. My mummy is so awesome in posing with me and being a trooper for scouting for a good spot to take this. I'm not very good on deciding on what pics to put here.. so I'll post a few that I took.



"Hold me close mummy!"

Thankies for being so understanding
♥ ♥ ♥
Outfit on me: Katie ToddleeDoo from Baby Pie
Outfit on mummy: Katie Adult from Baby Pie (Shoes mummy's own)
Hair: Tomoko2 (Type A) [Brown Diamond] from D!va
Bracelet: Charm Bracelet - ALL (Rare) from Petite Bowtique (Gacha in store)
Pose: Holding You Close from Say Cheese!
Taken on the sim we live on ♥
♥ ♥ ♥


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