Friday 22 March 2013

♥ Life's a beach ♥

Being super bored, I decided that I'd go for a stroll around the community roleplay sim we live on and see what was about.. that's when I remembered that we have a beach. Mummy took me to it once before.. but I'd not been paying attention on how we got there (And the sim keeps changing around)

So, after aimlessly wandering around the sim looking for the beach on my own.. I gave up and jumped into the group chat for the sim asking for help on how to get there. Luckily everyone was super nice and gave me lots of information on how to make my way to it. But.. have you ever had that where someone gives you really detailed instructions on how to get somewhere and yet you still were completely confused? Yeah.. that happened to me. After thanking everyone for being helpful (and not admitting that I was still completely confused) I probably ambled off in entirely the wrong direction trying to look for the beach.

Finally after much camming around (I got tired of walking.. as it's so big) I finally found the beach and thought I needed a well deserved break. So, I laid on a towel someone had thoughtfully left behind and soaked up some sun and had a long hard think about all the things on my mind.
Sunshine.. lollipops and rainbows..

Yes, sometimes I have black hair! Shock horror!

Watching the tide roll away..
Outfit: Sunny Days TD from Baby Couture 
(at the limited 50 event, only so many copies left.. so hurry!)
Hair: Falling from [e l i k a t i r a ]
Bracelet:  Charm Bracelet - ALL (Rare) from Petite Bowtique (Gacha in store)



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