Sunday 24 March 2013

♥ Kaci's Play House ♥

Mummy and I had been looking for something for the garden for me to play with.. and I wasn't really than keen on any of the playgrounds we had looked at. So, when I saw the Shabby Shed at the Limited 50 event I knew I had to have it for the garden. My mummy was kind enough to get it for me and it's awesome! It comes complete with all the furniture, fence, picture frames etc. It was easy to set up and isn't too much land impact, compared to a lot of the play houses we looked at. It can be less land impact if you decorate it yourself probably.. as the shed is only 8 land impact on it's own. But I kept all the original decorations and even tried to recreate the layout I'd seen when I went to see a demo of it at Petite Bowtique. But hurry if you want it, because there were only about 34 copies left after I bought it..

I saw a mother and daughter outfit at Baby Pie again and so wanted my mummy to pose with me once more.. but I felt bad that I kept making mummy buy the same one just to indulge me, so I bought it for her this time. Thank you mummy for indulging me again and posing for another set of pictures.

I took some creative liberty with these pictures.. playing around in Photoshop.. so if they seem a bit weird that's probably why.

Look how cool the Shabby Shed is!
Hmm, is this one too arty? I kinda like it..
♥ ♥
 Outfit on me:

Lauren Girl's Toddleedoo Spring / Summer Vintage Antique Floral Complete Outfit / Sundress from Baby Pie

Outfit on mummy:

Lauren Floral Spring Ladies Rigged Mesh Gown / Dress from Baby Pie

Hair on me: Mayumi3 (brown diamond) from D!va 

Pose: Rush from Larnia Kids

Shed: Shabby Shed from Petite Bowtique (Limited 50 Event)

♥ ♥


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