Sunday 24 March 2013

♥ But I just wanted to help.. ♥

Well, I got in BIG trouble.. I decided when mummy and daddy were sleeping that I was going to help out around the house. I went into the laundry room and used the big spinny things that the grownups use to make clothes clean.. or tried to.. it didn't end well. I got a timeout and told to never touch anything without permission again. 

But did I learn my lesson? Who knows? I actually thought it was pretty funny.. my parents were less amused. Daddy actually told me off for laughing and well mummy was fuming.. she didn't really say much of anything and just let daddy do the talking. 

Anyways, here's the pictures of the scene they walked in on:

"But.. I just wanted to help.."
 ♥ ♥ ♥

 Outfit: Mirabelle (ToddleeDoo) from Baby Pie (ONLY 5 LINDENS!)

Hair: Mayumi3 (brown diamond) from D!va

Pose and laundry basket: Laundry basket on my head! from Vicarious Vitae

Prank water and foam: Bubbly Mess from BoOgErS

♥ ♥ ♥


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