Friday 29 March 2013

♥ Happy Easter! ♥

Okay, so technically it's not really Easter yet.. but it's super soon.. so I wanted to share some of the Easter-y things I've found with you all.

Sad news first.. my daddy left us.. I won't go into too much detail because it's not fair to him, but it's left my mummy and me a bit shaken up. I guess now I won't be calling anyone daddy until mummy finds someone else who wants to take on that role.. 

Now the super cool news, my mummy got a car! We had so much fun driving about.. and don't worry, mummy got me a car seat. Cars and sim crossings = a hilarious combination. If the car wasn't stuck at the sim crossing, it was falling through the ground and if that wasn't happening we were flying into space, or rolling around for ages.. either until it corrected itself or I relogged. I can tell you now I'm going to want mummy to drive me everywhere though because it was so funny. At one point after a sim crossing, I got hurled through the sky in my car seat.. while the car went the other way.. lol! It's a really fun car for roleplay too because it requires gas/fuel to run. If it runs out, mummy has to get out and push.. which is also hilarious.

PS. I love my mummy soooooo much! ♥

Anwyays, HAPPY EASTER or whatever it is you're doing!

Took a little bit of photoshopping in this pic, I had to photoshop my hands holding the basket as the pose didn't quite have me holding it. Just a heads up if you buy it.
 Outfit: Bunny Hop (Pink) from Larnia Kids
Pose with basket: Easter Basket Pose Set from {Candid}(Limited 50)
Hair: Mayumi3 (brown diamond) from D!va
Easter egg decor was free from the Marketplace 

"But I want to eat all the chocolate now..."
 Outfit: Lucky Ducky from Larnia Kids
Basket and Pose: Fabric Bunny Basket (with holding pose) from Larnia Kids
Mayumi3 (brown diamond) from D!va
Egg decoration was free from the Marketplace 


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