Saturday 30 March 2013

♥ Driving Adventures ♥

Well, we've officially moved from where we were to have a fresh start. We've gone from one Roleplay Sim to another entirely different Roleplay Sim.. and so far we are much happier! We have a bigger house, with a bigger prim limit, there is tons to explore, a better dance studio (which I want to enroll at), we have already made friends here and we are allowed media on the parcel (whereas we weren't allowed that before..) so we even indulged in watching a movie in world together! This was another treat after I was treated to a Happy Meal.. since another kid on the sim decided it would be funny to set me on fire (don't ask).. Mummy nursed my boo boos and looked after me well.

Mummy was driving us around the Sim again and it was really fun. The other day I forgot to say how a big Mafia war broke out a Sim or two over when we were exploring.. and we went down one street.. and the Mafia Boss was coming towards us in a massive tank. We both panicked and mummy reversed as fast as she could and turned around and sped off in the other direction.. just when I thought we'd lost him, he came up behind us. I screamed, "Are we gonna die mummy?!" and mummy was like, "I sure hope not sweetie.." and the Mafia Boss swerved around us, took one look at us both, was like, "No.. you're not gonna die.. lol.. nice booster seat!" Made me giggle that the big Mafia Boss liked my car seat. True story.

From tomorrow I'm going to be away cos of real life for a bit, need to sort some stuff out, not sure how often I'll get access to Internet.. but hopefully I'll manage to get on at least once while I'm away. Could be a few days, could be a week or a little more. Not entirely sure yet!

Anyways, here's some pictures of us cruising around looking all cool.. okay, well, technically we were just about to cruise around.. so while mummy was parked in the driveway, trying to work out why the car was spamming her with messages about something, I took advantage and got some shots of us.

"Mummy what's a third world country?" - Question I asked mummy when she told me the Mafia war looked like a scene from a third world country.

Mummy's shiny new wheels.. such a nice car!

Starts to wonder where we're going..

"Are we nearly there yet?" - We've not even moved out of the driveway xD
Outfit: Erin Toddleedoo from Baby Pie (got for 50 Linden Friday)
Hair: Ruri" (Type A) (Brown diamond) from D!va
Car seat: Car Seat Gen 2 Black from Sweet Baby
Car from HaruMotors (dunno what model it is.. it's red though xD)


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