Saturday 6 April 2013

♥ I'm Back! ♥

Before I disappeared for a while to sort some stuff out in RL I went on a hunt with my mummy at Larnia Kids. It was a really nicely laid out hunt.. we went on a few, got so many goodies.. sadly most of them are Easter themed so I'll have to wait until next year to make use of them now Easter has been and gone. But this is mummy beating me to one of the eggs!

"I'm coming!!"
Outfit: Flamingo Outfit from Petite Bowtique
Hair: Falling from [e l i k a t i r a ]
Pose: Used a pose that was on Sim at Larnia Kids

Don't you just love Style Me and Wild Bunch? In case you don't know what they are.. you should go check them out! Just click on their names above.. I linked them for slurl goodness. I went to both places and picked up a few awesome pieces. I had to show a couple of them off in one post.. see below.

There's some weird cube that seems to float about in certain poses with this outfit though.. I haven't quite worked out if it's me or not.. maybe someone can tell me?

Outfit: Paris from Oh Daisies (Style Me)
Pose chair: Portrait Chair - Purple from .click.
(pose used: lean and prop used: balloon stick lean) (Wild Bunch)
Hair: Despina (blacks and whites) from Tameless
Hand poses: ToddleeDoo v2.2 - HandPoses from CuteBytes


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