Thursday 11 April 2013

♥ Zoo World ♥

Today mummy and I decided to visit the zoo, we had some time to kill while we were waiting to visit a new clinic that's opened up (I'll blog that trip next)

It was a big zoo and we had lots of ground to cover! Mummy wasn't sure quite which way we should go.. but I told her to lead the way because I couldn't decide either. We saw the monkeys first! They were awesome.. one was hopping all around. One even was sat on the bench, so me sat on it's lap. Mummy sat down next to me too, but sadly she moved as I snapped a pic. 

Just monkey-ing around.. lol
Next.. naturally mummy knew to make a bee line for the panda enclosure. I was right at home and even tried to sneak a baby panda out in my bag! Only kidding.. it's just a cute panda bag that my Unkie Nyo got for me. Thank you, Unkie Nyo.

"Another panda for my collection.. teehee.."
As we walked around the zoo we found ourselves in the prehistoric section.. I'm fairly certain most zoos don't have this and I was pretty excited when we ran into Scrat from Ice Age. I was like mummy we have to pose with him! I asked mummy to stand next to him so I could take a pic of us looking really awesome with him.. so mummy crouched down for me. Luckily his nut is nearby, so we didn't have to go and look for it..

Scrat from Ice Age! How awesome!

Overall it's a nice zoo, but the enclosures are all open which is a little weird.. and they put animals that you wouldn't really mix together for real. So if you're looking for a zoo that's very realistic, this is definitely not it.. if you just want a giggle and a day out then this will work for you. If you're interested just look up Zoo World on Le Dome Sim. 

Outfit: Pando from Oh Daisies
Panda Back Pack: Baby Panda Backpack from Demonkitties
Hair: Other from Elikatira 
Pose in 2nd pic "Little Diva" from .click. poses


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