Friday 12 April 2013

♥ Open Arms Family Clinic ♥

So, as promised in my last post I said I'd talk about the awesome new clinic we went to.It's only been open a week and doing really well so far and hopefully that continues!

The prices are really reasonable and Dr Simmons is super friendly and excellent at RPing out the various medical scenarios. Very thorough too. Mummy and I were very impressed with the clinic..  

We had our shots done (Pooterbilt) and told us to come back every week to get another shot, because we're behind on our vaccinations. Mummy held my hand while I had mine done. I had two shots, the second one hurt more than the first for some reason. 

Dr Simmons weighed me too, I'm apparently 27 lbs. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.. but it sounds a nice number and nobody said it was bad. My temperature was fine too. I even got a panda sticker and a grape sucker from the waiting room.

The clinic offers pediatrics, prenatal, and family planning.. work with all the conception HUDs, including the Pooterbilt and the Pooterbilt Pediatric HUD. Dr Simmons will also see you if you don't have a HUD and just wanna RP it. I took some pictures of the experience below the price list.

It's pretty cheap too.. check out these prices:

Well-Child Check-Up                                 L$150
Sick Visit (Medication is extra)                  L$100
Vaccinations for Pooterbilt                        L$10 each
Physical Forms                                         L$50
Shot Records                                           L$30

Pregnancy Test (no visit)                           L$15
Paternity Testing (no visit)                         L$30
Insemination/Fertility Drugs                       L$75
Prenatal/Labor/Delivery Package               L$550
(Includes up to 5 visits, 1 ultrasound, and your choice of Labor/Delivery method)
Extra Visit                                                L$100
Extra Ultrasound                                      L$75
Emergency Labor/Delivery (no visits)       L$150
Birth Certificate                                        L$50 each
Pregnancy Shapes (custom--keep YOUR face!) L$600
(8 pregnant and 1 after birth)


Family Planning/Reproductive Health
Well-Woman Exams                                    L$150
STD Testing (Medication is extra)               L$100
Birth Control                                     Dependant on HUD
Morning After Pill                                        L$25
Condoms                                         Dependant on HUD
Abortion (Counseling is free)                      L$300

If you're interested in the clinic and want to set up an appointment either drop into.. Open Arms Family Clinic SLURL or you can IM Dr. Ashlynn Simmons (Ashlynngrace12 Resident)

Outside the clinic
Waiting area
Play room to keep everyone happy
Me being seen to by the lovely pregnant Dr Simmons
Mummy waiting her turn to be seen

Outfit on me: Royal February 2012 from Royal Pain (Need to be in the group to buy for 25 lindens)
Hair: Other from Elikitara
Panda Backpack: Baby Panda Backpack from Demonkitties

Any questions about the clinic or to book an appointment please IM Dr. Ashlynn Simmons (Ashlynngrace12 Resident)


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