Friday 27 September 2013

♥ You are tough ♥

It seems most people I encounter on Second Life, notice I said most and not all, but it seems that the majority have a rough time in real life somehow and Second Life seemed like an appealing escape. I am no exception to this rule, I will raise my hand up and admit that my real life is all kinds of a mess and Second Life is a better place for me to be. It doesn't mean I'm running away from my problems, because I can't.. they're always there whether I like it or not, but they're less in the foreground than they would be without Second Life. In many ways Second Life saves me from myself.. life is super tough and most of us have it rough.. someones molehill is someone elses mountain and the way we deal with our problems speaks volumes about the kind of people we are. But everyone deals differently and there is no right or wrong way to get by.. I'm not exactly little miss stable when it comes to coping. Everyone has a coping mechanism, some are harmful some are not. What I'm getting at is, whatever you're going through right now.. no matter how tough it seems.. you are tougher. You can get through it and if Second Life keeps you sane and helps you get through the day, then surely that's not a bad thing. Keep being awesome. ♥

Anyway, now I got that out of my system.. this outfit is from oh Daisies and is pretty cute I think.

Outfit: Kaysha from oh Daisies
Hair: Hair*140*Mocha(Click to resize) from LOVE SOUL
Nails: Glittery/Shiny Nails from *oh Daisies*  
Cheek Sparkles: Cheek Sparkles from *oh Daisies
Pose: Lil Slugger from Heirloom (Woodland gatcha event)


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