Sunday 29 September 2013

♥ I scream for Ice Cream ♥

Today has been all sorts of awesome, but very exhausting too!

I went shopping with my mummy and twin brother. We got so much stuff just from teleporting around. I've got sooooo much to blog now.. it's just finding time for it all that's gonna be the issue.  I usually manage somehow though. 

Think my inventory needs another cleanup after today.. it's a never-ending battle. Spend a day cleaning it up and organizing it all into folders etc.. and then a few days later (sometimes less) it's a mess again!

If you haven't already you should check out the Fall Into Fun Hunt. My brother and I skipped over the things we didn't want and got a couple of things we really did like. I'll probably end up blogging those at some point too no doubt. There's also a Fall fair that we went to that is worth scoping out, that's where most of my lindens disappeared to today.

Also spent ages in Blender today messing around and learning things. So.. watch this space! Don't laugh but it just took me the better part of an hour to figure out why a skirt I made wasn't sticking to the Second Life skeleton right. I figured it out of course.. my brain was so overloaded with information and tiredness that I was pressing the wrong button combination. Funny that it took me 10+ attempts of trying the same combination of buttons before realising it wasn't right. Note to self, Ctrl P not Ctrl R. They look kinda the same when you're loopy from lack of food, sleep and meds. Oh well, I cracked it in the end and tested it out with the pose function and low and behold it works. Next step, world domination. No, probably not.. but it's cool that I'm getting somewhere. 

Even reconnected and refriended someone who I didn't think would ever be on my list again or would even talk to me again.. so that was really nice. It's nice to know in a way that if you lose touch with someone, or fall out with someone, or whatever the case may be.. that they can always look you up with your calling card (unless they deleted it) and try to sort it out. 

Found this cute outfit in the Wacky Wednesday sale event from Little Nerds.. and accessorized with some cute pieces I picked up today from Marmelade. An ice cream and a friendship bracelet, both adorable and both from gatchas.. not only do they look awesome they were really cheap too! Go Marmelade! Thanks to my brother for giving me the bracelet.. he actually gave me a bunch.. he was trying to get a blue one and gave the rest he got before that to me. He's such an awesome brother... when he's not chasing me around the garden with frogs anyway. Anyways, the outfit didn't come with shoes so I used my own.. they're actually a free group gift from my store. The pose is also from my store.. I know, I know.. I'm so shameless plugging my own stuff.

Outfit: Panda Rainy Days Outfit from Little Nerds
Shoes: Rose Skull Boots from Kaci's Creations
Ice cream: Bunny Ice Cream - Mint from Marmelade (Gatcha)
Bracelet: Bracelet - 15 from Marmelade (Gatcha)
Hair: Hair*140*Mocha from LOVE SOUL
Nails: Glittery/Shiny Nails from *oh Daisies*  
Cheek Sparkles: Cheek Sparkles from *oh Daisies
Pose: Cutesy Pose Set (Pose #5) from Kaci's Creations


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